Saturday, March 12, 2016

Field Trips- Hiking Trips x2!

We have 2 hiking trips planned for this spring. 

Please read through everything completely! If you would like to sign up, please email us at with the number in your group. Please remember that signing up is a commitment to come. If something changes and you are no longer able to attend, please contact us so we can give your place to someone else.

This is a hiking trip, not a walk through the park. While most trails are easy to follow you will need good walking shoes. Dress in layers. Once we are down in the woods, it can feel much cooler. It will probably be wet. There will be streams to cross and if its been raining, it can be muddy and the water will be up and covering the stones/ logs used for crossing. If you have "puddle jumpers" you will need to bring extra clothes.

Each person will need to have a backpack with water and snacks. We will be eating on the trail, so make sure you pack your lunch.

You can also "join" the event (or if your not sure, you can choose maybe) and you will be notified when we post in the event. Go to our events on our facebook group to see the trips. 

March 31- Bankhead Forest

We are taking our annual spring break hike! 

This year we will have a ranger lead hike! How awesome is that! 

This trip will be approximately 3 miles round trip.

The exact trail location is not known yet. The ranger is trying to find something new for us. We will post the meeting times, location and other important information as soon as we have information.

You can expect to meet early (8ish) morning and be out mid-afternoon (3ish).

April 27- Thompson Creek Trail

We will be taking a hike to Ship Rock and Needle Eye in the Bankhead National Forest. We will take a side trail to go by Auburn Falls. If time allows, we may be able to get to the head waters of the Sipsey River-- where Thompson Creek joins Hubbard Creek to form the Sipsey Fork. 

We will meet at 8:30 am at Thompson Creek Trailhead. It takes about 30-45 minutes to reach the parking area after you get off Hwy 195. The roads are narrow dirt roads so you'll be driving very slow through the forest. You can expect an all day hike. It took us about 5 hours to make this hike last time. We should be heading out about 3- 4:00 which gives us time to explore.

It will be 5 miles round trip. We will hike in, eat lunch and explore, then hike out. My 4 year made this hike just fine with us, but she is used to carrying a backpack with water and hiking. We did not carry her at all on this trip. 

On this trail we also had to cross a log (or go swimming). But since we went in January getting wet was avoided if at all possible and the water was still high from the Christmas Flooding.

Directions to the Trailhead:
Turn onto Kinlock road off of 195. (At the Rabbit Town Trading Post.) Go 6.5 miles to the end of Kinlock Road.
Turn right onto County Road 303. Go 0.4 miles. Take a slight right onto NW Rd. There's a sign for Thompson Creek Trailhead. It's about 4 miles down to the parking area. This is a rough road. If you are able to drive something other than a low car, I recommend it. There were small cars and horse trailers down there when we were there last though.